Personal SWOT analysis
Simon Potocnak
The one of the things we had to write in who am I assignment was so called personal SWOT analysis. For those who don’t know what swat analysis is it is the form of writing down in points our strengths weaknesses opportunities and threads.
In the field where we were supposed to write our strengths I wrote things like enjoying creating something new, love for technology, fast learning skills, good problem solving thinking, patience etc.
As my opportunities I consider my enjoyment of programming as well as my patience which those two I consider as the most important things in the programming and there are opportunities to move myself forward.
On the other hand my threats are things like I am not really talkative, I feel really anxious while asking for help and as the biggest tread I consider that I cannot express what I want mostly because I have like 200 things on my mind and I don’t know which one is the “right one”.
In the conclusion this SWOT analysis really helped me to realize what thigs I need to focus to improve or on the other hand what things are good at so I can teach others.